We wish to provide the best service that we can. In the event, we do not meet your expectations we have a customer complaints procedure. This aims to ensure that any concerns that you bring to our attention are dealt with in a reasonable, fair, and transparent manner.
It will help us deal with your complaint more effectively if the complaint is lodged directly with us and not via another medium.
A formal complaint can be submitted by:
By email: info@5-ways.co.uk
By telephone: 01482 355535
Please include full details of your complaint.
When you submit your complaint, please let us know how you would like us to respond (by email, post or by telephone).
Customer complaints will be investigated by the store Manager who will endeavour to remedy the complaint or issue an apology where necessary.
Complaints Procedure
Complaints may be submitted via letter, email, or telephone and should be made within 7 working days of the complaint arising.
An acknowledgment letter, confirming receipt of the complaint, will normally be issued within 7 working days and will explain the investigation that needs to take place.
We will review all documents in relation to the matter and issue a decision within 4 weeks of receipt of the complaint. If this is not possible, a reply will be sent setting out the reasons for the delay in responding. Where a Customer Complaint relates to a member of staff, we will investigate and act accordingly. If a mistake has been made an apology and explanation will be offered and every effort will be made to rectify the situation.
Where a complaint highlights that our processes or procedures are inadequate, every effort will be made to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.
If you are not satisfied with the response of the manager you may lodge an appeal to our Managing Director. If you are unhappy with our response we recommend contacting the RMI who will be able to help conciliate this matter.